SEO has evolved a drastic amount over the last 5 years with the recent confirmation from Google advising that keywords are no longer what they used to be. SEO needs to be looked at from a totally different perspective if you wish to have good rankings for the long term. You need to imagine the perfect site that runs fast, no errors, no dead links, no missing pictures, no duplicate content and so on. Today SEO is all about the users experience. The better your site, the easier it is for a user to naviagte, read and get the information they want the better you will rank.
It is no secret that back links (Websites that link to you) still play a big part of rankings. If the biggest websites in the world all linked to you then you would naturally rank as this would increase your pages authority (What I like to call reputation). If your website sits on the number 1 results page in Google, Yahoo or Bing but you are at the bottom, all the little 1% fixes can be the difference on you being a few more places higher.
I always try and tell customers to step back and imagine that a new user who doesnt understand anything about your site or business came to visit. What would they want to see? What would they want to read and how easy would it be for them to find what they want? A good idea is to go home and ask a family member what they think of your site, ask them to navtigate to product pages or contact pages and ask them to be honest about what they think. Without you saying anything they should find everything they want, if not maybe it’s time to review your website?